Morning Glory Face Cleanser
It seems that we are watching you through a small hole.
Up and down, always in a hurry and without a minute to stop and breathe..
You need time for yourself, in order to take care of yourself and to enjoy a unique moment.
That is why we have created the Morning Glory Face Cleanser, so that cleaning your skin is not just another task to scratch off of your to-do list and you start enjoying it.
Morning Glory Face Cleanser is a very tasty and creamy facial cleansing cream that removes dirt by deeply cleansing your skin without drying or altering it.
Among its ingredients you can find: Renewing ingredients such as pineapple, mango, papaya and lactic acid to provide you a more uniform and luminous skin. They smooth and revitalize the epidermis, helping to fade pigmentation marks and spots.
First cold-pressed vegetable oils such as jojoba, which balances and has emollient properties; avocado butter, which provides highly nutritious properties; and rice, which has been used by Asian women since time immemorial and is very beneficial because it soothes and reduces irritation, and has a high antioxidant power.
Mango butter: it hydrates, softens and protects the skin against UV radiation.
Use it if your skin needs: a product that not only cleanses it of impurities, but also hydrates and protects it.
Blend small marks and pigmentation spots.
A shot of antioxidants that revitalize it.
Es difícil de explicar, lo sabemos, pero cuando la empieces a usar lo entenderás.
Hay algo especial en empezar la mañana con Morning Glory. Tu humor cambia automáticamente cuando te miras al espejo y notas tu piel luminosa y sana.
Y usarla es taaaan sencillo. Mira:
- Aplícate Morning Glory sobre la piel seca y extiéndela mediante movimientos circulares suavemente.
- Si quieres que el efecto sobre tu piel se acentúe, déjatela puesta un ratito mientras te duchas.
- Aclárala con agua tibia y prepárate para descubrir su efecto en tu piel.
¿Una última recomendación? Inclúyela en tu rutina de la mañana y compleméntala con el Sensual Skin Cleanser por las noches.